Overview of services

My clients have wide and varying needs. For example, you may be part of a fantastic HR team, or in a standalone HR role and could benefit from specialist support. Or you could be the leader of a business with no dedicated people person. Perhaps you are an individual who could benefit from transformational coaching or could use some help with an employment issue. Regardless of your needs I’m confident that we can find a way to work together.

  • Co-creating/ refreshing your business strategy

    Creating functional plans on a page to enable your business areas to execute on the business strategy

    Co-creating your Vision, Mission and Values

    Business case preparation for growth and investment

  • Change done well can breathe new life into a business and make positive improvements to the culture and overall company performance. In today’s ever-changing world, we must continue to stay ahead, whether that’s starting up a new entity, reimaging your strategy or revitalizing what’s been in place for a while. I’ve helped businesses put strategies in place to drive significant change from which they are easily able to scale and grow. To help future proof your business, reach out for support with:

    End to end Change Management

    Culture Reset Programs

    HR Transformations

    1:1 outplacement support

  • One of the most rewarding areas of my work is Transformational Coaching. I have obtained an ICF accredited coaching certification from Coach Masters Academy to compliment my 10+ years of coaching experience. This unique training integrates the science of EQ and Positive Psychology, creating a robust platform that results in sustainable change for my coaching clients, and the teams and organisations I work with.

    I love working with all types of clients, and specialise in coaching for:

    Executive & Board Members.

    DEI & Human Resources Generalists and Specialists.

    People Leaders.

    Underrepresented Talent.

    In addition to anyone else who really wants to change their life for the better.

  • Business Case Preparation.

    Maturity Assessment Diagnostic (qualitative and quantitative).

    Developing (or revising) your DEI Strategy and creating the roadmap for success, including agreeing DEI goals and outcomes.

    Reviewing, improving and de-biasing your core People Processes (Recruitment & Selection, Talent Management, Performance Evaluations etc.)

    Crisis Management Support.

    Culture Integration during a Merger & Acquisition Process.

    Acting as your virtual “on demand” DEI Lead.

  • Formulating your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

    Employee Engagement Frameworks

    Culture Re-set Programs

    Talent Management

    Learning & Development

  • I design and deliver tailor made learning and development strategies and frameworks to suit your business needs. In addition to this I provide a number of training programs on the following topics:

    Leadership Development

    Change Management

    Conflict Resolution

    Best practice Performance Management

    DEI specific

    The Leaders role in DEI

    Introduction to DEI

    Building Allies

    Mitigating Microaggressions

    Recognizing and overcoming our Unconscious Biases

    Working Across Cultures

    De-biasing the Recruitment & Selection Process

    De-biasing the Performance Evaluation Process

  • People strategy development & execution

    Development of people processes and frameworks

    Employment relations and dispute management

    Recruitment and selection of senior leadership roles

    General HR advice